Unbeknownst to his peers, Johnny secretly began ghost writing for several local artist, all the while perfecting his own craft. In the summer of 2009 Johnny met music producer, Emerson Windy a.k.a Eric “Reesepiece” Reese and the two quickly began writing, producing, and pulling all-nighters in the studio. On November 16, 2010 Johnny released his highly anticipated mixtape, “Somewhere Else" under the reputable name of J.Nyce. To everyone's surprise, Johnny pulled a switcheroo and returned to his roots by singing his way into the hearts of his fans. While "Somewhere Else" created major buzz, Johnny admits being hard-pressed to satisfy the demands of his fans requests to put out an album.
To date Johnny has two mixtapes under his belt starting with "Somewhere Else" [Nov. 2010] and "WOUNDEDdrg, silentHIGH" [Dec. 2011]. Both projects gave him the exposure needed to showcase and introduce his talent to the world. Johnny Rain has a digitally release his debut album entitled "Lullaby's of Machine" earlier this year, 2013. It was suppose to drop December 22, 2012, known as the day the earth was suppose to end, but we all know that didn't happen.
In my opinion, Johnny has that The Weeknd vibe to his music. Its very different and unique. If you like The Weeknd, you will love Johnny Rain. I really enjoy music like this because its something I could relax to. My favorite songs would be "Cold Water" and "Porn In My Rearview" I am looking forward to hearing more from Johnny. Hope you Enjoy!
Listen to "Lullaby's of Machine" and a couple of his visuals below!
Video: Jericho (Official Music Video)
Directed by Tishaun Dawson
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